if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeoFromHit]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeoFromHit] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeoQueryCounty]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeoQueryCounty] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeoQueryState]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeoQueryState] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeoQueryZIP]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeoQueryZIP] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeocode]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeocode] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeocodeClosestAddress]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeocodeClosestAddress] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnGeocodeIntersection]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnGeocodeIntersection] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnLineDistance]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnLineDistance] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnLineRatio]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnLineRatio] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnPointDistanceFromLine]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnPointDistanceFromLine] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnPointFromChainRatio]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnPointFromChainRatio] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnReverseGeocode]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnReverseGeocode] GO if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fnTotalChainDistance]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[fnTotalChainDistance] GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGeoFromHit ( @Number int, @TLID varchar(50), @FromAddR int, @FromAddL int, @ToAddR int, @ToAddL int, @zipL int, @zipR int, @FromLng decimal(9,6), @FromLat decimal(9,6), @Long1 decimal(9,6), @Lat1 decimal(9,6), @Long2 decimal(9,6), @Lat2 decimal(9,6), @Long3 decimal(9,6), @Lat3 decimal(9,6), @Long4 decimal(9,6), @Lat4 decimal(9,6), @Long5 decimal(9,6), @Lat5 decimal(9,6), @Long6 decimal(9,6), @Lat6 decimal(9,6), @Long7 decimal(9,6), @Lat7 decimal(9,6), @Long8 decimal(9,6), @Lat8 decimal(9,6), @Long9 decimal(9,6), @Lat9 decimal(9,6), @Long10 decimal(9,6), @Lat10 decimal(9,6), @ToLng decimal(9,6), @ToLat decimal(9,6) ) RETURNS @Location TABLE ( Longitude Decimal(9,6), Latitude Decimal(9,6), ZIP int, TLID varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN declare @latTotal decimal(9,6) declare @lngTotal decimal(9,6) set @latTotal = 0 set @lngTotal = 0 select @lngTotal = TotalLong, @latTotal = TotalLat from fnTotalChainDistance(@FromLng, @FromLat, @Long1,@Lat1,@Long2,@Lat2,@Long3,@Lat3,@Long4,@Lat4,@Long5,@Lat5,@Long6,@Lat6,@Long7,@Lat7,@Long8,@Lat8,@Long9,@Lat9,@Long10,@Lat10, @Tolng,@ToLat) declare @rel decimal(9,6) declare @dec1 decimal(20,6) declare @dec2 decimal(20,6) --which side of the street do we use? declare @AddStart int declare @AddEnd int declare @usezip int declare @useLeft int declare @useRight int set @useLeft = 0 set @useRight = 0 --we need to throw out sides if they are not in range or were null in the db (-1) if @FromAddR = -1 OR ((@Number not between @fromaddr and @toaddr) and (@Number not between @toaddr and @fromaddr)) begin set @useRight = -1 set @useLeft = 1 end if @FromAddL = -1 OR ((@Number not between @fromaddL and @toaddL) and (@Number not between @toaddL and @fromaddL)) begin set @useLeft = -1 set @useRight = 1 end --make sure the number was not null, the parity matches, and that its in range if @useRight <> -1 and ((@FromAddR % 2) = (@Number % 2) OR @useLeft = -1) begin --use the right side set @AddStart = @FromAddr set @AddEnd = @ToAddr set @usezip = @zipr end else begin --use the left side set @AddStart = @FromAddL set @AddEnd = @ToAddL set @usezip = @zipL end set @dec1 = @AddEnd - @Number set @dec2 = @AddEnd - @AddStart set @rel = (@dec1 / @dec2) if @rel = 1 begin --return start INSERT into @Location SELECT @FromLng,@FromLat,@usezip,@TLID return end if @rel = 0 begin --return end INSERT into @Location SELECT @ToLng,@ToLat,@usezip,@TLID return end declare @lat decimal(9,6) declare @lon decimal(9,6) --This is the straight line calculation, leaving it in for testing set @lat = @FromLat + (@rel * @latTotal) set @lon = @FromLng + (@rel * @lngTotal) ----End point of entire chain if this was a straight line so we can calculate total distance declare @tempEndLat decimal(9,6) declare @tempEndLng decimal(9,6) set @tempEndLat = @fromLat + @latTotal set @tempEndLng = @fromLng + @lngTotal declare @totalDist decimal(20,6) set @totalDist = dbo.fnLineDistance(@fromLng, @fromLat,@tempEndLng, @tempEndLat) --Now we need to go back through the chain --We have the percentage we need to travel (@rel) and the total distance (@totalDist) --Follow the chain until we find our point select @lon = Longitude, @lat = Latitude from dbo.fnPointFromChainRatio(@totalDist, @rel, @FromLng, @FromLat, @Long1,@Lat1,@Long2,@Lat2,@Long3,@Lat3,@Long4,@Lat4,@Long5,@Lat5,@Long6,@Lat6,@Long7,@Lat7,@Long8,@Lat8,@Long9,@Lat9,@Long10,@Lat10, @Tolng,@ToLat) Insert into @Location Select @lon,@lat,@usezip,@TLID RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGeoQueryCounty (@DirPrefix varchar(2) = '', @Number int, @StreetName varchar(50), @StreetType varchar(50), @FipsStateCode int, @FipsCountyCode int) RETURNS @GEO TABLE ( FromAddR int, FromAddL int, ToAddR int, ToAddL int, zipL int, zipR int, ToLat decimal(9,6), ToLng decimal(9,6), FromLng decimal(9,6), FromLat decimal(9,6), Long1 decimal(9,6), Lat1 decimal(9,6), Long2 decimal(9,6), Lat2 decimal(9,6), Long3 decimal(9,6), Lat3 decimal(9,6), Long4 decimal(9,6), Lat4 decimal(9,6), Long5 decimal(9,6), Lat5 decimal(9,6), Long6 decimal(9,6), Lat6 decimal(9,6), Long7 decimal(9,6), Lat7 decimal(9,6), Long8 decimal(9,6), Lat8 decimal(9,6), Long9 decimal(9,6), Lat9 decimal(9,6), Long10 decimal(9,6), Lat10 decimal(9,6), TLID varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 INSERT INTO @GEO select top 1 isnull(t1.fraddr,-1) , isnull(t1.fraddl,-1) , isnull(t1.toaddr,-1), isnull(t1.toaddl,-1), t1.zipl, t1.zipr, t1.tolat * @todecimal, t1.tolong * @todecimal, t1.frlong * @todecimal, t1.frlat * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long1,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat1,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long2,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat2,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long3,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat3,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long4,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat4,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long5,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat5,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long6,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat6,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long7,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat7,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long8,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat8,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long9,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat9,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long10,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat10,0) * @todecimal, t1.TLID from TIGER_01 t1 with (nolock) left outer join TIGER_02 t2 with (nolock) on t1.tlid = t2.tlid where fename = @StreetName and fetype = @StreetType and fedirp = @DirPrefix and (statel = @FipsStateCode or stater =@FipsStateCode) and (countyl = @FipsCountyCode or countyr =@FipsCountyCode) and ((fraddl <= @Number and toaddl >= @Number) or (fraddl >= @Number and toaddl <= @Number ) OR (fraddr <= @Number and toaddr >= @Number) OR (fraddr >= @Number and toaddr <= @Number) ) RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGeoQueryState (@DirPrefix varchar(2) = '', @Number int, @StreetName varchar(50), @StreetType varchar(50), @FipsStateCode int) RETURNS @GEO TABLE ( FromAddR int, FromAddL int, ToAddR int, ToAddL int, zipL int, zipR int, ToLat decimal(9,6), ToLng decimal(9,6), FromLng decimal(9,6), FromLat decimal(9,6), Long1 decimal(9,6), Lat1 decimal(9,6), Long2 decimal(9,6), Lat2 decimal(9,6), Long3 decimal(9,6), Lat3 decimal(9,6), Long4 decimal(9,6), Lat4 decimal(9,6), Long5 decimal(9,6), Lat5 decimal(9,6), Long6 decimal(9,6), Lat6 decimal(9,6), Long7 decimal(9,6), Lat7 decimal(9,6), Long8 decimal(9,6), Lat8 decimal(9,6), Long9 decimal(9,6), Lat9 decimal(9,6), Long10 decimal(9,6), Lat10 decimal(9,6), TLID varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 INSERT INTO @GEO select top 1 isnull(t1.fraddr,-1) , isnull(t1.fraddl,-1) , isnull(t1.toaddr,-1), isnull(t1.toaddl,-1), t1.zipl, t1.zipr, t1.tolat * @todecimal, t1.tolong * @todecimal, t1.frlong * @todecimal, t1.frlat * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long1,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat1,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long2,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat2,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long3,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat3,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long4,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat4,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long5,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat5,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long6,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat6,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long7,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat7,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long8,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat8,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long9,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat9,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long10,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat10,0) * @todecimal, t1.TLID from TIGER_01 t1 with (nolock) left outer join TIGER_02 t2 with (nolock) on t1.tlid = t2.tlid where fename = @StreetName and fetype = @StreetType and fedirp = @DirPrefix and (statel = @FipsStateCode or stater =@FipsStateCode) and ((fraddl <= @Number and toaddl >= @Number) or (fraddl >= @Number and toaddl <= @Number ) OR (fraddr <= @Number and toaddr >= @Number) OR (fraddr >= @Number and toaddr <= @Number) ) RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGeoQueryZIP (@DirPrefix varchar(2) = '', @Number int, @StreetName varchar(50), @StreetType varchar(50), @ZipCode int) RETURNS @GEO TABLE ( FromAddR int, FromAddL int, ToAddR int, ToAddL int, zipL int, zipR int, ToLat decimal(9,6), ToLng decimal(9,6), FromLng decimal(9,6), FromLat decimal(9,6), Long1 decimal(9,6), Lat1 decimal(9,6), Long2 decimal(9,6), Lat2 decimal(9,6), Long3 decimal(9,6), Lat3 decimal(9,6), Long4 decimal(9,6), Lat4 decimal(9,6), Long5 decimal(9,6), Lat5 decimal(9,6), Long6 decimal(9,6), Lat6 decimal(9,6), Long7 decimal(9,6), Lat7 decimal(9,6), Long8 decimal(9,6), Lat8 decimal(9,6), Long9 decimal(9,6), Lat9 decimal(9,6), Long10 decimal(9,6), Lat10 decimal(9,6), TLID varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 INSERT INTO @GEO select top 1 isnull(t1.fraddr,-1) , isnull(t1.fraddl,-1) , isnull(t1.toaddr,-1), isnull(t1.toaddl,-1), t1.zipl, t1.zipr, t1.tolat * @todecimal, t1.tolong * @todecimal, t1.frlong * @todecimal, t1.frlat * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long1,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat1,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long2,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat2,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long3,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat3,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long4,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat4,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long5,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat5,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long6,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat6,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long7,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat7,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long8,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat8,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long9,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat9,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.long10,0) * @todecimal, isnull(t2.lat10,0) * @todecimal, t1.TLID from TIGER_01 t1 with (nolock) left outer join TIGER_02 t2 with (nolock) on t1.tlid = t2.tlid where fename = @StreetName and fetype = @StreetType and fedirp = @DirPrefix and (zipl = @ZipCode or zipr =@ZipCode) and ((fraddl <= @Number and toaddl >= @Number) or (fraddl >= @Number and toaddl <= @Number ) OR (fraddr <= @Number and toaddr >= @Number) OR (fraddr >= @Number and toaddr <= @Number) ) RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO /* © 2005 John Sample This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGeocode (@DirPrefix varchar(2) = '', @Number int, @StreetName varchar(50), @StreetType varchar(50), @ZipCode int =-1 , @FipsStateCode int=-1, @FipsCountyCode int =-1) RETURNS @Location TABLE ( Longitude Decimal(9,6), Latitude Decimal(9,6), ZIP int, TLID varchar(50) ) AS BEGIN declare @FromLat decimal(9,6) declare @ToLat decimal(9,6) declare @FromLng decimal(9,6) declare @ToLng decimal(9,6) declare @TLID varchar(50) declare @FromAddR int declare @ToAddR int declare @FromAddL int declare @ToAddL int declare @zipL int declare @zipR int --we need 10 lat/long pairs for type 2 records declare @Long1 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat1 decimal(9,6) declare @Long2 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat2 decimal(9,6) declare @Long3 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat3 decimal(9,6) declare @Long4 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat4 decimal(9,6) declare @Long5 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat5 decimal(9,6) declare @Long6 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat6 decimal(9,6) declare @Long7 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat7 decimal(9,6) declare @Long8 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat8 decimal(9,6) declare @Long9 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat9 decimal(9,6) declare @Long10 decimal(9,6) declare @Lat10 decimal(9,6) declare @querypicked int set @querypicked = 0 declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---which query do we use?---------------------------------------------- /* This section is responsible for finding a suitable tiger record. If a hit is found its passed off to the geocoding function */ --zip query if (@ZipCode <> -1 and @querypicked = 0) begin set @querypicked = 1 DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR select * from fnGeoQueryZIP(@DirPrefix, @Number, @StreetName,@StreetType, @ZipCode) end --county query if (@FipsStateCode <> -1 and @FipsCountyCode <> -1 and @querypicked = 0) begin set @querypicked = 1 DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR select * from fnGeoQueryCounty(@DirPrefix, @Number, @StreetName,@StreetType, @FipsStateCode,@FipsCountyCode) end --state query if (@FipsStateCode <> -1 and @querypicked = 0) begin set @querypicked = 1 DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR select * from fnGeoQueryState(@DirPrefix, @Number, @StreetName,@StreetType, @FipsStateCode) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OPEN c1 FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @FromAddR, @FromAddL, @ToAddR, @ToAddL, @zipL, @zipR, @ToLat, @ToLng, @FromLng, @FromLat,@Long1, @Lat1,@Long2, @Lat2,@Long3, @Lat3,@Long4, @Lat4,@Long5, @Lat5,@Long6, @Lat6,@Long7, @Lat7,@Long8, @Lat8,@Long9, @Lat9, @Long10, @Lat10, @TLID if (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN /* We've got a hit. pass the info off to the geocoding function. We should be guaranteed a lng/lat. */ insert into @Location select * from fnGeoFromHit(@Number,@TLID,@FromAddR,@FromAddl,@ToAddr,@ToAddL,@ZipL,@ZipR,@FromLng,@FromLat,@Long1,@Lat1,@Long2,@Lat2,@Long3,@Lat3,@Long4,@Lat4,@Long5,@Lat5,@Long6,@Lat6,@Long7,@Lat7,@Long8,@Lat8,@Long9,@Lat9,@Long10,@Lat10, @Tolng,@ToLat) END CLOSE c1 DEALLOCATE c1 RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE function dbo.fnGeocodeClosestAddress (@DirPrefix varchar(2) = '', @Number int, @StreetName varchar(50), @StreetType varchar(50), @ZipCode int) RETURNS @Location TABLE ( Longitude Decimal(9,6), Latitude Decimal(9,6), ZIP int, TLID varchar(50) ) as begin declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 insert into @Location select frlong * @todecimal, frlat * @todecimal, isnull(zipl,zipr),tlid from tiger_01 t1 where t1.fename = @streetname and t1.fetype = @streettype and t1.fedirp = @DirPrefix and (zipl = @ZipCode or zipr =@ZipCode) and abs(((isnull(fraddr,fraddl) + isnull(fraddl,fraddr))/2) - @number) = (select min(abs(((isnull(fraddr,fraddl) + isnull(fraddl,fraddr))/2) - @number)) from tiger_01 t1 where fename = @streetname and fetype = @streettype and t1.fedirp = @DirPrefix and (zipl = @ZipCode or zipr =@ZipCode)) --We're only checking the closest start address record --to be more accurate, we should test the end addresses also, then return the long/lat thats closest /* UNION select abs(fraddl - @number), tlid, fename, fetype, fraddr, toaddr, fraddl, toaddl from tiger_01 t1 where t1.fename = @streetname and t1.fetype = @streettype and abs(((isnull(toaddr,toaddl) + isnull(toaddl,toaddr))/2) - @number) = (select min(abs(((isnull(toaddr,toaddl) + isnull(toaddl,toaddr))/2) - @number)) from tiger_01 t1 where fename = @streetname and fetype = @streettype ) */ return end GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO /* © 2005 John Sample This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* If roads a and b intersect, we should find one of the following: a.frlat & a.frlong = b.frlat & b.frlong or a.frlat & a.frlong = b.tolat & b.tolong or a.tolat & a.tolong = b.frlat b a.frlong or a.tolat & a.tolong = b.tolat & b.tolong */ CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGeocodeIntersection ( @DirPrefixA varchar(2) = '', @StreetNameA varchar(50), @StreetTypeA varchar(50), @ZipA int, @DirPrefixB varchar(2) = '', @StreetNameB varchar(50), @StreetTypeB varchar(50), @ZipB int ) RETURNS @Location TABLE ( Longitude Decimal(9,6), Latitude Decimal(9,6) ) AS BEGIN declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 INSERT into @Location select frlong * @todecimal as Longitude, frlat * @todecimal as Latitude from tiger_01 t1a where t1a.fename = @StreetNameA and t1a.fetype = @StreetTypeA and t1a.fedirp = @DirPrefixA and (t1a.zipl = @ZipA or t1a.zipr =@ZipA) and ( exists(select 1 from tiger_01 t1b where t1b.fename = @StreetNameB and t1b.fetype = @StreetTypeB and (t1b.zipl = @ZipB or t1b.zipr =@ZipB) and t1b.fedirp = @DirPrefixB and t1b.frlat= t1a.frlat and t1b.frlong= t1a.frlong) or exists(select 1 from tiger_01 t1b where t1b.fename = @StreetNameB and t1b.fetype = @StreetTypeB and (t1b.zipl = @ZipB or t1b.zipr =@ZipB) and t1b.fedirp = @DirPrefixB and t1b.tolat= t1a.frlat and t1b.tolong= t1a.frlong) ) UNION select tolong * @todecimal as Longitude, tolat * @todecimal as Latitude from tiger_01 t1a where t1a.fename = @StreetNameA and t1a.fetype = @StreetTypeA and t1a.fedirp = @DirPrefixA and (t1a.zipl = @ZipA or t1a.zipr =@ZipA) and ( exists(select 1 from tiger_01 t1b where t1b.fename = @StreetNameB and t1b.fetype = @StreetTypeB and (t1b.zipl = @ZipB or t1b.zipr =@ZipB) and t1b.fedirp = @DirPrefixB and t1b.frlat= t1a.tolat and t1b.frlong= t1a.tolong) or exists(select 1 from tiger_01 t1b where t1b.fename = @StreetNameB and t1b.fetype = @StreetTypeB and (t1b.zipl = @ZipB or t1b.zipr =@ZipB) and t1b.fedirp = @DirPrefixB and t1b.tolat= t1a.tolat and t1b.tolong= t1a.tolong) ) return END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnLineDistance ( @x1 decimal(9,6), @y1 decimal(9,6), @x2 decimal(9,6), @y2 decimal(9,6) ) RETURNS decimal(20,6) AS BEGIN declare @dx decimal(9,6) declare @dy decimal(9,6) declare @temp decimal(20,6) set @dx = @x2 - @x1 set @dy = @y2 - @y1 set @temp = sqrt((@dx*@dx) + (@dy*@dy)) RETURN @temp END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnLineRatio ( @TotalLength decimal(9,6), @SegmentLength decimal(9,6) ) RETURNS decimal(9,6) AS BEGIN RETURN @SegmentLength / @TotalLength END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPointDistanceFromLine ( @x1 decimal(9,6), @y1 decimal(9,6), @x2 decimal(9,6), @y2 decimal(9,6), @PointX decimal(9,6), @PointY decimal(9,6) ) RETURNS decimal(20,6) AS BEGIN declare @dx decimal(9,6) declare @dy decimal(9,6) declare @temp decimal(20,6) declare @distance decimal(9,6) set @dx = @x2 - @x1 set @dy = @y2 - @y1 set @temp = sqrt((@dx*@dx) + (@dy*@dy)) set @distance = (@dx*(@PointY - @y1) - @dy*(@PointX - @x1))/@temp RETURN @distance END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO /* © 2005 John Sample This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnPointFromChainRatio ( @TotalLength decimal(9,6), @Ratio decimal(9,6), @FromLng decimal(9,6), @FromLat decimal(9,6), @Long1 decimal(9,6), @Lat1 decimal(9,6), @Long2 decimal(9,6), @Lat2 decimal(9,6), @Long3 decimal(9,6), @Lat3 decimal(9,6), @Long4 decimal(9,6), @Lat4 decimal(9,6), @Long5 decimal(9,6), @Lat5 decimal(9,6), @Long6 decimal(9,6), @Lat6 decimal(9,6), @Long7 decimal(9,6), @Lat7 decimal(9,6), @Long8 decimal(9,6), @Lat8 decimal(9,6), @Long9 decimal(9,6), @Lat9 decimal(9,6), @Long10 decimal(9,6), @Lat10 decimal(9,6), @ToLng decimal(9,6), @ToLat decimal(9,6) ) RETURNS @LongLat TABLE ( Longitude decimal(9,6), Latitude decimal(9,6) ) AS BEGIN --buffer for last x,y coords declare @lastLng decimal(9,6) declare @lastLat decimal(9,6) set @lastLng = @fromLng set @lastLat = @fromLat declare @found int set @found = 0 declare @totalRatio decimal(9,6)--Tracks the total percentage of the line declare @totalTravel decimal(9,6)--Tracks the total distance we have travelled declare @travelTarget decimal(9,6) set @totalRatio = 0.0 set @totalTravel = 0.0 set @travelTarget = @ratio * @TotalLength ---For each lng/lat pair that isn't empty, calculate distance from last non empty pair. ---Is the totalRatio + ratio of this segment < the ratio we are looking for? ---If yes, add the ratio of this distance to the total ratio ---If no, trim the ratio so that it applies only to this segment and return calculated point. --buffer vars to keep the code a bit shorter declare @thisLen decimal(9,6) declare @thisRatio decimal(20,6) declare @useStartLong decimal(9,6) declare @useStartLat decimal(9,6) declare @useEndLong decimal(9,6) declare @useEndLat decimal(9,6) declare @useRatio decimal(9,6) --we've got to do this 10 times if ((@Lat1 <> 0) and (@found = 0) ) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long1, @lat1, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long1 set @useEndLat = @Lat1 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long1 set @lastLat = @Lat1 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat2 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long2, @lat2, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long2 set @useEndLat = @Lat2 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long2 set @lastLat = @Lat2 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat3 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long3, @lat3, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long3 set @useEndLat = @Lat3 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long3 set @lastLat = @Lat3 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat4 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long4, @lat4, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long4 set @useEndLat = @Lat4 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long4 set @lastLat = @Lat4 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat5 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long5, @lat5, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long5 set @useEndLat = @Lat5 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long5 set @lastLat = @Lat5 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat6 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long6, @lat6, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long6 set @useEndLat = @Lat6 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long6 set @lastLat = @Lat6 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat7 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long7, @lat7, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long7 set @useEndLat = @Lat7 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long7 set @lastLat = @Lat7 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat8 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long8, @lat8, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long8 set @useEndLat = @Lat8 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long8 set @lastLat = @Lat8 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat9 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long9, @lat9, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long9 set @useEndLat = @Lat9 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long9 set @lastLat = @Lat9 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@Lat10 <> 0 and @found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@long2, @lat2, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @Long10 set @useEndLat = @Lat10 set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @Long10 set @lastLat = @Lat10 set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end if (@found = 0) begin set @thisLen = dbo.fnLineDistance(@tolng, @tolat, @lastLng, @lastLat) set @thisRatio = @thisLen / @TotalLength if (@thisLen + @totalTravel >= @travelTarget) begin set @useStartLong = @lastLng set @useStartLat = @lastLat set @useEndLong = @tolng set @useEndLat = @tolat set @useRatio = @thisRatio set @found = 1 end else begin set @totalRatio = @totalRatio + @thisRatio set @lastLng = @tolng set @lastLat = @tolat set @totalTravel = @totalTravel + @thisLen end end declare @lon decimal(9,6) declare @lat decimal(9,6) declare @rel decimal(9,6) set @rel = (@Ratio - @totalRatio) / @useRatio declare @lonDist decimal(9,6) declare @latDist decimal(9,6) set @lonDist = @useEndLong - @useStartLong set @latDist = @useEndLat - @useStartLat /* set @lon = @useStartLong + (@rel * @lonDist) set @lat = @useStartLat + (@rel * @latDist) */ set @lon = @useEndLong - (@rel * @lonDist) set @lat = @useEndLat - (@rel * @latDist) insert into @LongLat select @lon, @lat RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO /* © 2005 John Sample This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* This function will find the closest node to the given long/lat It will usually return more than one row since the beginning/end of one node is almost always the beginning/end of at least one other However, the Long/Lat returned for all records will almost always be the same unless we happen to query a point which is equidistant from 2 or more completely unchained nodes. You can query the return table for distinct names to get the title of the intersection if one exists. If you are using a database with more than one tiger/line county set, use the statel/stater and countyl/countyr FIPs codes for general location info */ CREATE function fnReverseGeocode(@Longitude decimal(9,6), @Latitude decimal(9,6)) RETURNS @Location TABLE ( TLID varchar(50), Longitude Decimal(9,6), --These are the closest node points, they could be frlong/frlat or tolong/tolat Latitude Decimal(9,6), fedirp varchar(2), fename varchar(50), fetype varchar(10), fraddr int, toaddr int, fraddl int, toaddl int, zipl int, zipr int, frlat int, frlong int, tolat int, tolong int, countyl int, countyr int, statel int, stater int ) AS BEGIN declare @fromdec int set @fromdec = 1000000 declare @todecimal decimal(9,6) set @todecimal = 0.000001 declare @Lat int declare @Lng int set @Lat = @Latitude * @fromdec set @Lng = @Longitude * @fromdec insert into @Location select TLID, frlong * @todecimal as Longitude, frlat * @todecimal as Latitude, fedirp, fename, fetype, fraddr, toaddr, fraddl, toaddl, zipl, zipr, frlat, frlong, tolat, tolong, countyl, countyr, statel, stater from tiger_01 where fename <> '' and fetype <> '' and abs(frlat - @Lat) + abs(frlong - @Lng) = (select min(abs(frlat - @Lat) + abs(frlong - @Lng)) from tiger_01 where fename <> '' and fetype <> '' ) UNION select TLID, tolong * @todecimal as Longitude, tolat * @todecimal as Latitude, fedirp, fename, fetype, fraddr, toaddr, fraddl, toaddl, zipl, zipr, frlat, frlong, tolat, tolong, countyl, countyr, statel, stater from tiger_01 where fename <> '' and fetype <> '' and abs(tolat - @Lat) + abs(tolong - @Lng) = (select min(abs(tolat - @Lat) + abs(tolong - @Lng)) from tiger_01 where fename <> '' and fetype <> '' ) return END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnTotalChainDistance ( @FromLng decimal(9,6), @FromLat decimal(9,6), @Long1 decimal(9,6), @Lat1 decimal(9,6), @Long2 decimal(9,6), @Lat2 decimal(9,6), @Long3 decimal(9,6), @Lat3 decimal(9,6), @Long4 decimal(9,6), @Lat4 decimal(9,6), @Long5 decimal(9,6), @Lat5 decimal(9,6), @Long6 decimal(9,6), @Lat6 decimal(9,6), @Long7 decimal(9,6), @Lat7 decimal(9,6), @Long8 decimal(9,6), @Lat8 decimal(9,6), @Long9 decimal(9,6), @Lat9 decimal(9,6), @Long10 decimal(9,6), @Lat10 decimal(9,6), @ToLng decimal(9,6), @ToLat decimal(9,6) ) RETURNS @Distance TABLE ( TotalLong decimal(9,6), TotalLat decimal(9,6) ) AS BEGIN declare @latTotal decimal(9,6) declare @lngTotal decimal(9,6) set @latTotal = 0.0 set @lngTotal = 0.0 declare @lastLat decimal(9,6) declare @lastLng decimal(9,6) --Buffer vars so we know what to subtract with set @lastLat = @FromLat set @lastLng = @FromLng --we've got to do this 10 friggin times if (@Lat1 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat1 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long1 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat1 set @lastLng = @Long1 end if (@Lat2 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat2 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long2 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat2 set @lastLng = @Long2 end if (@Lat3 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat3 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long3 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat3 set @lastLng = @Long3 end if (@Lat4 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat4 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long4 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat4 set @lastLng = @Long4 end if (@Lat5 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat5 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long5 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat5 set @lastLng = @Long5 end if (@Lat6 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat6 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long6 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat6 set @lastLng = @Long6 end if (@Lat7 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat7 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long7 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat7 set @lastLng = @Long7 end if (@Lat8 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat8 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long8 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat8 set @lastLng = @Long8 end if (@Lat9 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat9 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long9 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat9 set @lastLng = @Long9 end if (@Lat10 <> 0) begin set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@Lat10 - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@Long10 - @lastLng)) set @lastLat = @Lat10 set @lastLng = @Long10 end set @latTotal = @latTotal + Abs((@ToLat - @lastLat)) set @lngTotal = @lngTotal + Abs((@ToLng - @lastLng)) insert into @Distance select @lngTotal, @latTotal RETURN END GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO