John Sample

Bits and Bytes
posts - 103, comments - 354, trackbacks - 16


The new database has been loaded.

The results should be correct now:


posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 11:50 AM


# re: Fixed

Hey John: Can you load an updated version (even if it can't/doesn't do reverse geocoding)? I need more accurate lookups... If you post your code (or send it to me) I'd be happy to try make it more accurate than the PERL/FILEDB code...

Thanks for your efforts!!!

Regards, Dan!
11/15/2005 4:52 PM | Dan

# re: Fixed

Unfortunately its going to have to wait until the new version is ready.
The new code doesn't use the old database and there is no installer yet.
11/15/2005 5:13 PM | John Sample

# re: Fixed

That's ok. ;)

Do you have a shot-from-the-hip ETA?

Thanks again!!!
11/16/2005 11:59 AM | Dan

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