John Sample

Bits and Bytes
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After a fun Thanksgiving weekend, I was greeted by a failed drive in my main computer yesterday.
I get to spend tonight recovering my files, music, pictures, databases, etc.
Oh well, now I have a chance to do some upgrades without angering the better half.

After all, she can't get her Boggle/Scrabble fix until I get the new toys working....
Now I just need a way to sound convincing while explaining that you can't possibly put in a new hard drive without getting a new graphics card...

posted on Monday, November 29, 2004 2:23 PM


# re: Arrrggghhhh!!

Hey, Whats up? What program did you use to succesfully recover the corupt files? Im looking for a program that shows me what folders I have on the corrupt hard drive after a brief scan so I don't have to recover 80GB's of data.
I only want a few folders that have a bunch of logo's in them.



my email is:
[email protected]

BTW,.. Are you the same John Sample that lived in NY around 1988-1990
someone by that name was our "Big Brother". Went canoeing, camping and stuff like that.

You'd probably remember the Twins

congrats on the baby too :)
3/14/2006 11:42 AM | Evan (Twin from Albany, NY)

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