John Sample

Bits and Bytes
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Kickball - Game 3

More Kickball Posts
Game: 1, 2, 3, 4

I've really got to write these things sooner than a week after the game. I think waiting so long is clouding my memory of events.

We won! 6 - 1 against “The Usual Suspects

MVP of the game was definitley Corey. He scored 2 heads up runs (both head first sliders) and was rock solid with the catches in the field.
Paul is the MVP of my heart, however. He saved my butt when I dropped a catch.
The ball bounced right off of my arms. The runner took off from second just as the ball hit me. I threw to the ever trusty sticky fingers and he tagged the guy before he could make it to third.
Here are some photographs of what happened taken with my 300 megapixel camera:

I also had a slide into home, but I was called out.

My wife got into it pretty bad with the ref. She's lucky Todd is a cool guy, I think I saw fire coming out of her mouth at one point:

For the record, Todd was absolutely right about the call.

The pitcher on that team was by far the best I've seen. I think his name was Jason.
He was throwing super fast sidearm deals that barely gave you anytime to get to the plate.
I was however still able to keep my perfect batting record..

Thats it for this week. I'm going to try to get a write up of tommorow's game up a lot faster.
For some action shots, look here.

posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:16 PM


# re: Kickball - Game 3

Nice still shots. I think they should axe the loser who keeps dropping the ball. What a wuss!
4/28/2005 9:41 AM | Troyski

# re: Kickball - Game 3

Kickball games that involve head-first slides? That's hardcore.
4/28/2005 12:42 PM | MPC

# re: Kickball - Game 3

kickball is a enjoyable game i love it. specially during kicking the ball

7/19/2005 1:05 AM | gennape Bigtasin

# re: Kickball - Game 3

want to play
2/25/2006 11:21 PM | malcolm

# re: Kickball - Game 3

i really want to play this fun game
4/7/2006 11:29 AM | rondell miller

# re: Kickball - Game 3

4/17/2006 7:31 AM | Cookie monster

# re: Kickball - Game 3

whoever said kickball is homeosexual needs a shrink
i love the pics laugh every time
5/11/2006 11:23 AM | Jojo

# re: Kickball - Game 3

I'm adapting an American kids questionnaire to be appropriate for British kids, so I googled 'kick ball' to find out what it is. I am not a lot clearer on the rules, despite your amazing illustration. They made me laugh though. And would people please learn how to spell homosexual!
9/1/2006 10:57 AM | Jenny

# re: Kickball - Game 3

I like the game of kickball considering i'm in 9th grade and theres not recess, i miss the fresh air, and the feel of kicking the ball your hardest. It's a realy fun get together games at birthday's, or just on a regular day. If you think it's a homo game well it's not and if your so upsessed with that word get a life and if you have one well, get a new one
12/26/2006 11:34 AM | Shawn Hann

# re: Kickball - Game 3

i love kickball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3/24/2007 7:47 PM | giselle

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