Yesterday I managed to accidentally poke myself in the eye with one of the eyedroppers.
I called Dr Griffiths and they said come right in.
She said I managed to hit my eye dead center, but no worries.
They checked my vision while I was there, and I'm currently at 20/25.
The blurriness decreases every day, and I go back for another checkup Friday.
I'll post the results here when I get them.
November 22nd
Its now been 2 weeks and 4 days since the surgery.
The doctor measured me at somewhere between 20/20 and 20/25 on Friday.
Heres a summary of how my eyes are.
There is no dryness, but I do see better when I use the moisturizing drops.
I wake up and my vision is great, then starts to blur later on. Most notably around 4:00 pm.
The blurriness tends to hold off a little longer each day, eventually I assume it won't happen at all.
The only side effect I have at the moment are starbursts at night.
I talked to the doctor about it, and she said it will most likely go away with time.
Until then she prescribed me some drops I could use to limit them.
I'm still using the steroid drops 4 times a day until my next checkup a month from now.
The is still a bit of double vision when trying to discern detail, especially text.
The effect is decreasing, but it is slow. It will probably take at least another month for it to go away at this rate, but that was expected.
December 15th
Its been about 6 weeks since my PRK, so I guess its time for an update.
My vision is great during the day. If I'm not 20/20, then I'm close.
Overall I'm very happy with the results.
Sometimes my vision fluctuates, but not by much. It happens less and less, and its just about gone by now.
My only problem is night driving. I have still have awful starbursts. Hopefully it goes away.
When I'm driving at night I have to make a concious effort to stare at oncoming headlights occasionally to make my pupil shrink.
It gives me temporary relief, but it gets old.
I should have a followup appointment soon, so I'll put up another update when it happens.